Innovating Democracy in Moldova

The overall aim of this project is to boost civic engagement and increase government transparency. Donor: National Endowment for Democracy

Overall Objective:  The overall aim of this project is to boost civic engagement and increase government transparency.

Partners: Mediapoint


  1. To increase the involvement of citizens in improving their communities;
  2. to build the capacity of government in publishing open data;
  3. to boost awareness about electoral candidates and assess the impact of digital communications on presidential elections.


1. Development of platform and selection of 3 city halls;

         1.1 Build local communities around and train public servants;

         1.2 Involve local journalists in monitoring local social issues.

2. Open data maturity assessment in Moldova;

2.1 Engaging key actors in order to advance open data in Moldova

2.2 Improving transparency of NGOs through

3. Needs assessment mission for online monitoring of presidential election;

3.1 Debating important topics in Moldova including presidential elections through

4. Production and publication of various TOL content

For more information about TOL’s other current projects, please click here.