
What We Do

We combine local and international talent to showcase coverage respected for its impartiality and in-depth reporting and analysis.

What We Do

We anticipate and meet rapidly changing needs in journalism skills and media literacy, especially in underserved countries.

What We Do

We deliver targeted assistance to bolster sustainability of often-embattled independent media organizations.

Our projects

Transitions Magazine:
For more than two decades, Transitions has provided insightful coverage of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe, Türkiye, and Eurasia. Our network of local and international contributors examine the news and trends shaping the region. We serve as a platform for the region’s independent journalists to cover topics often underreported in their home countries.
Media Academy:
More than 14,000 people have passed through our training programs. Our courses specialize in traditional journalism skills; the latest digital techniques; media literacy; and combatting disinformation. We have developed our own online learning platform for both mentored and self-learning courses and regularly run webinars and online workshops.
Solutions Journalism:
Solutions journalism spotlights effective responses to societal problems. This innovative reporting approach enhances accountability and public engagement and can serve as a catalyst for meaningful change. Transitions provides training, mentoring, and stipends for journalists who want to embark on rigorous coverage of what’s working in their communities.

Latest News

Grant opportunity for European media

Do you work for an independent European media outlet? Are you looking for new approaches to monetizing your content and services? And funds to test out new ideas?

Then join us for an introductory, one-hour webinar on 16 September at 10 a.m. CET to learn more about a new program, launched as part of the ongoing PluPro project administered by Journalismfund Europe and Transitions.

Practical Management Techniques for European Cross-Border Journalism Teams

As journalism stretches across borders, the need for practical management skills becomes increasingly essential. We invite you to join our upcoming workshop, scheduled for 24 September at 4 p.m. CET on Zoom.

Please note that this workshop is open only to European journalists and is organized by Transitions and Journalismfund Europe.

Navigating AI-Driven Information Chaos: Tools and Techniques for Journalists

Date: 1 October, 2024
Time: 4 PM CET
Location: Zoom (Online Workshop)

As AI-generated content and deepfakes become more widespread, the threat to accurate, reliable information has never been more significant. This online workshop is designed to equip journalists and fact-checkers with the tools and knowledge needed to combat these emerging challenges. Whether you’re based in the Western Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe, or beyond, this session will offer relevant, practical insights into navigating the AI-driven information landscape.