Fake News Exposed (Phase 2)

Strengthening the capacity of journalists and election monitors in Serbia to confront disinformation and propaganda Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

Fake News Exposed (Phase 2): Strengthening the capacity of journalists and election monitors in Serbia to confront disinformation and propaganda

Overall Objective

The overall objective of the project is to build local capacity in Serbia to combat propaganda and disinformation.




  1. To provide a core group of journalists and election monitors with tools to debunk disinformation and propaganda, while expanding efforts to reach senior citizens among a broader group of election monitors.
  2. To support a digital verification team of journalists to produce high-quality content for a wide audience on an ongoing basis.
  3. To continue to provide resources for journalism educators, students, and the wider public in the area of digital investigation, interpretation of statistics and budgetary data, and storytelling.


  • Training of journalists (two workshops);
  • Training of journalists (online learning);
  • Training of election monitors (online learning);
  • Training of election monitors (2 workshops);
  • Training of election day monitors (including seniors);
  • Strengthening of CRTA info verification team, with in-house capacity–building provided to team;
  • Team produces weekly content for Istinomer;
  • Team produces monthly content for international audiences; and
  • Further development of specialized pages on digital propaganda on istinomer.rs.

For more information about TOL’s other current projects, please click here.